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2009年7月7日 星期二

《Last One Standing》Hong Kong Series Drama Episode 1~22 THE END online watch

Previously called : Walking With The Enemy

Official Name : Last One Standing (Traditional Chinese: 與敵同行)

Genre: Drama、Thriller、Serial drama

Starring;Roger Kwok、Kevin Cheng、Yoyo Mung、Kiki Sheung、Elaine Yiu、Macy Chan


Original run: 22 September 2008 – 18 October 2008


Time was served for a crime he did not commit.

After ten years, can he discover the truth behind his stepfather's murder?

Cheung Sing-Hei (Kevin Cheng) was sent to prison for murdering his stepfather, the witness of the case turns out to be his (best friend and) cousin brother Tong Lap-Yin (Roger Kwok). Ten years later, Hei was released from prison (Actually, Hei was supposed to be imprisoned for 13 years). At that time, Yin already has a well-established career and a happy family, but Hei is left with nothing at all.

Hei later meets reporter Carmen (Yoyo Mung), who was Yin's fiance. Hei lived undercover and worked with Yin for his insurance company. Later Yin scammed the insurance company for a large multi-million dollar deal. Other members of his family also got setup so Yin could collect their inheritance fortune. In the end it came down to a battle between Hei and Yin.



《與敵同行》預告片 Last One Standing Preview

Episode 1 to 10
Episode 11 to 22

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