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2010年4月5日 星期一

《Prosecutor Princess》2010 Korean Drama Episode 1~16 THE END online watch

English Title/英文:《Prosecutor Princess》,《Geomsa Princess》,《Prosecutor Mata Hari》

Chinese Title/中文:《檢察官公主》,《检察官公主》

Korean Title/韓文:《검사 프린세스》,《검사 마타하리》

Cast/演員:金素妍 朴施厚 韩正洙 崔松贤 朴贞雅


Oversea Broadcast Period/播出時期:2010-03-31(2010-Mar-31 to 2010-May-20)

Official Site/官網:



Ma Hye Ri is a woman with an excellent memory and ability to focus, which allowed her to pass the bar exam with ease. Despite her talents, she is more interested in being fashionable and dislikes hard work, so she is far from being an ideal prosecutor and has doubts about her suitability for her job. Through her conflicts with senior colleages and struggles with difficult cases, however, Hye Ri gradually matures into a brilliant prosecutor with a sense of duty and justice.

第1集 Episode 1

第2集 Episode 2

第3集 Episode 3

第4集 Episode 4

第5集 Episode 5

第6集 Episode 6

第7集 Episode 7

第8集 Episode 8

第9集 Episode 9

第10集 Episode 10

第11集 Episode 11

第12集 Episode 12

第13集 Episode 13

第14集 Episode 14

第15集 Episode 15

第16集 大結局 Episode 16 THE END

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