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2009年6月5日 星期五

《Mr.Brain》2009 Japan Series Drama Episode 1~ 8 THE END online watch

劇 名:Mr.Brain


首 播:2009-05-23


類型:劇情 犯罪


主演:木村拓哉 綾瀨遙 水嶋宏 平泉成 設楽統




After a series of complicated and confusing rumors, Takuya Kimura of the new plays "Mr.Brain" has been scheduled for May 23 the official launch. Kimura plays the midst of a result of accidents, so that becomes the brain developed the ability to think, he thereby become a strange character of brain science, and efforts to resolve a series of cases, as to the role of his assistant ayase selected distance performance. Performed the role of numerous different types of Takuya Kimura said the 99-long comedy-mediated comparison of the role, character screwy, clothing is also very "extraordinary", and cool completely get a share, is the role he played in the most " weird abnormal "one.

《Mr.Brain》2009 Japan Series Drama Episode 1 online watch

《Mr.Brain》2009 Japan Series Drama Episode 2 online watch

《Mr.Brain》2009 Japan Series Drama Episode 3 online watch

《Mr.Brain》2009 Japan Series Drama Episode 4 online watch

《Mr.Brain》2009 Japan Series Drama Episode 5 online watch

《Mr.Brain》2009 Japan Series Drama Episode 6 online watch

《Mr.Brain》2009 Japan Series Drama Episode 7 online watch

《Mr.Brain》2009 Japan Series Drama Episode 8 THE END online watch

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